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New church basement, c. 1925
Construction of the new church building was completed in two phases. The first saw the construction of the basement, main entrance, and tower, which…
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Centeno Ministry Updates
Update newsletters for the supporters of Rev. Luis and Elsie Centeno's ministry at Wyoming through American Missionary Fellowship.
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50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Schedule
A schedule of events and services for the 50th Anniversary celebration of Wyoming Avenue Baptist Church, October, 1941. The cover of this bulletin is…
Hookway Scrapbook
Scrapbook generally focused on the death of Rev. John A. Hookway in 1939. Includes obituaries, correspondence, sympathy cards, photographs, and…
Pastor Kirk and Perry Blum, c. 1976
Photograph of various Wyoming people, prominently featuring Pastor Gordon Kirk (left) and Perry Blum (right). Appears to be surrounding a…